Front Rush Recruiting Database

22 Oct

Front Rush is a software package that can be used for recruiting or just managing your football roster. It is a paid software, but after using it for the last three year, I couldn’t imagine recruiting without it. Front Rush is used as a database for all of your players and/or recruits.


When you first log in to Front Rush you are brought to a calendar of events. You can put events into the days and Front Rush will send you an email reminding you of the particular event you had scheduled. In my first year recruiting I used this feature a lot, now I have memorized the schedule I use and the days of the week I send out certain messages to recruits.

The tabs along the top is what you use to navigate Front Rush. They are categories that each include a database inside them. The first tab is for recruits, every year we clear out that database and re-start as the new recruiting season starts. Same with the next tab, which is for our current roster. When a player graduates the program they are moved into the next tab, alumni. Then the last tab is for “contacts” in our case this tab is filled with the contact info for all the high school football coaches in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.

An example of what the blank email page looks like. A weekly email will be sent to all recruits using Front Rush every week.


The next tab is the messages tab. This is what makes Front Rush so valuable to me as a recruiter. All I have to do is click the messages tab and click the “add” button in the top left and select “all recruits” and I will be able to type one email that will send to all of our recruits. I can also type a message to a specific recruit by clicking the “add” button and finding the name of the recruit I want in the drop bar. This is how we send all of our weekly updates and game day invitations. Front Rush also lets you update the template that you email shows on. All of the links that we have in the left column of our email go to a specific part of our athletic website, there is even a link to fill out a questionnaire.

You can also send text messages through Front Rush, this is what we use for our current roster to update them on practices and lifting times or anything else that could change in their day-today routine. It is truly a valuable software to us. It saves us loads of time and allows us to communicate with our recruits and players with ease.
Like NCSA, Front Rush also has a blog it updates regularly, however this one is more geared to us coaches then it is to the athletes. It is more related to Front Rush and its updates than it is actual tips or techniques though, so it isn’t a very valuable blog to me personally.

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